Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today they took us on a charter bus tour of the city. Meri, the "RA/counselor" from Barcelona (she's almost exactly my age), was giving the tour, but admitted that some of the information was just coming from Wikipedia. She's cool though so it was more funny than anything else. Plus, we just drove by everything and got out to take pictures--we didn't actually go in.

First we went to Montjuic, a castle/mountain/location of the 1992 Olympics. We had to park and walk up and down the hill, so I feel like I got my exercise for the day (just kidding....kinda). It was a pretty cool castle, but I'm also not sure what an un-cool castle would look like. We didn't go in, so I'll have to go back. Plus, during the summer they play movies on the castle walls, which sounds so awesome.
Then we went to MNAC, which is a WAY more incredible looking castle and now is the Museum of Catalan Art. Once again we didn't go in, but we took some awesome pictures.

all of us who went on the tour

view from one of the middle balconies

the castle from the bottom

After that, we saw two houses Gaudi designed and then drove past Sagrada Familia. Its under construction (it has been since they started building it in 1882 and they estimate it'll be done in 2030), but it still looks really cool.
A house designed by Gaudi

Sagrada Familia. The picture doesn't do it justice.
So basically we just got a bunch of places we have to go visit. Because they all seem really cool. Then we went shopping, where I got something for my cousin Shana and then a really cute jacket (its perfect!! its good for weather like in the 50s!). Now I'm home blogging.

Fun day!

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